I have just added reform gem and trying to create my first form. I'm writing a custom rule to validate 'email' property. this is my form
class StudentForm < Reform::Form
feature Reform::Form::Dry
property :first_name, validates: {presence: true}
property :last_name, validates: {presence: true}
property :email
validation name: :email do
rule(:email) do
unless /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z\d\-]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i.match?(value)
key.failure('has invalid format')
I get this when I do StudentForm.new
undefined method `rule' for #<Reform::Form::ActiveModel::Validations::Group:0x00007f63d014c068 @validations=#<Class:0x00007f63d013ff70>> (NoMethodError)
I have also created an initializer which makes sure reform uses Dry validation instead of active model, as recommended in the docs
require "reform/form/dry"
Reform::Form.class_eval do
feature Reform::Form::Dry
I think it is still using active model, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I did what the docs said.
The docs say you should be doing this to indicate you want to use dry validations:
Rails.application.config.reform.validations = :dry