I am using spring boot version 2.7.5 and hazlecast 4.1. I have an issue basically I have a search API where i can specify the number of records I want to return.
On the first call for example my API retrieve 50 records and on the second call even when I specify 5 records, 50 records is being retrieved. It looks like on the first call the data is cached and any subsequent call with different parameter it is returning same value that was defined in the first call.
Please find my application.yml config below:
amountToStartCaching: 50
# Metrics
enabled: false
frequency-seconds: 5
# Client Connection Configurations
cluster-name: hz-cluster
instance-name: service-hz-client
# Properties
# Event thread count -> -1 means to auto-calculate based on the number of cores
event-thread-count: -1
# Network Configurations
# Near Cache Configurations
- cacheName: DUMMY_CACHE
timeToLiveSeconds: 72000
maxIdleSeconds: 0
inMemoryFormat: OBJECT
maxSize: 10
evictionPolicy: LRU
My Rest endpoint is as follows:
public CallListResponse searchCallList( CallSearchRequest callSearchRequest) {
return dummyClass.searchList(callSearchRequest);
My class that is being cache is shown below:
@Cacheable(value = DUMMY_CALL_NAME, key = DUMMY_CALL_KEY)
public ListResponse searchList(CallSearchRequest callSearchRequest) {
return ListResponse;
My request is as follows:
Public class CallSearchRequest implements Serializable {
private String portCode;
private String portDescription;
private @NotBlank String sortOrder;
private @NotBlank String sortBy;
private @NotNull Integer pageSize;
private @NotNull Integer pageNumber;
So on the first call page size is 50 and i receive 50 records, and the second call page size is 10 I should receive 10 records but still receiving 50 record.
Any idea what i am doing wrong pls?
You are giving the same key for @Cacheable annotation.
@Cacheable(value = DUMMY_CALL_NAME, key = DUMMY_CALL_KEY).
Spring can not differentiate between different callSearchRequest objects.
@Cacheable(value = DUMMY_CALL_NAME, key = "#callSearchRequest.pageNumber").
Try both and see which one suits for needs.