
Drive.Files.get() not working. Google Apps Script

Trying to open a file from the file ID using Drive.Files.get(). Doing:

afile = Drive.Files.get({
  fileID: "1LyhjPE2sQKaVJQGah_10ik_PnD5q5n6P0QlwD_XWZWc",
  supportAllDrives: true 

I get a file not found exception:

GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to drive.files.get failed with error: File not found: supportAllDrives,true,fileID,1LyhjPE2sQKaVJQGah_10ik_PnD5q5n6P0QlwD_XWZWc

The file exists and can be opened. The sharing URL is (don't worry it's a blank text file:

I'm probably missing something dumb here, but I've been banging my head against this. Any help would be appreciated.


  • In the case of "Method: files.get" of Drive API at Advanced Google service of Google Apps Script, it seems that the arguments of Drive.Files.get(fileId: string, optionalArgs: Object) are fileId: string and optionalArgs: Object. So, in your script, how about the following modification?

    Modified script:

    afile = Drive.Files.get("1LyhjPE2sQKaVJQGah_10ik_PnD5q5n6P0QlwD_XWZWc", { supportsAllDrives: true });
