I have a
file that looks something like this
lazy val `tokens-service` = (project in file("modules/some-service"))
publishArtifact := false,
name := "example",
buildInfoPackage := "com.some.path",
javaAgents ++= d.JavaAgents,
libraryDependencies ++= List.concat(
I want to set the max heap memory to 4352M, I tried adding this line to my module settings
scalacOptions += "-JXmx4352M"
and also
javaOptions += "-JXmx4352M"
Then I run
sbt example/Universal/stage
However, when I check the shell script produced by sbt which I think should be in this path
I don't see the max heap being set anywhere. I was expecting to see the new parameter JXmx4352M being passed in. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong scripts and it is working? I would like to know how to verify this new parameter is being passed in the script produced by sbt and would appreciate any help
You need to scope your javaOptions like Universal / javaOptions += ...