I have the following matrix C that I would like to recreate in MATLAB:
In this case uppercase C is an N = 3 by N = 3 matrix, but I would like to generate C for any size of N by N.
I randomly create random values for c on the interval 1 to 20 using:
N = 3
c = randi([1,20],N+1,1,"double");
I initially thought that I could use nested for loops as follows:
function C = carray(c,N)
C = zeros(N,N)
for i =1:1:N
for j=1:1:N
if isdiag(C(i,j))
C(i,j) = c(i) + c(i+1)
However, this does not produce the desired result. Do I have to do this using diag()
or spdiag()
If you wish, you can do this in a single expression simply by using diag
on the vector of the sum of the adjacent elements, like this:
>> C = diag(c(1:end-1) + c(2:end))
C =
36 0 0
0 22 0
0 0 22