Currently, I am using docker-compose.yaml file with a collector-gateway.yaml file as the otel collector for the traces to be sent up to jaeger. What i am trying to achieve is data persistence with postgresql and i am trying to make use of this github repo: text. However, i keep meeting this error upon starting up the docker container with docker-compose up.
Error Log:
jaeger-postgresql-jaeger-all-in-one-1 | {"level":"fatal","ts":1696996008.1216166,"caller":"./main.go:110","msg":"Failed to init storage factory","error":"grpc-plugin builder failed to create a store: error attempting to connect to plugin rpc client: fork/exec /etc/cmd/jaeger-pg-store: exec format error","stacktrace":"main.main.func1\n\t./main.go:110\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\nmain.main\n\t./main.go:243\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:267"}
For more context about my code docker-compose.yaml:
version: "3"
# Jaeger
image: jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
- "16686:16686"
- "14268"
- "14250"
- SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin
- ./jaeger-pg-store:/etc/cmd/jaeger-pg-store
- ./collector-gateway.yaml:/etc/collector-gateway.yaml
command: ["--grpc-storage-plugin.binary=/etc/cmd/jaeger-pg-store", "--grpc-storage-plugin.configuration-file=/etc/collector-gateway.yaml"]
# Collector
image: otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.53.0
- ./collector-gateway.yaml:/etc/collector-gateway.yaml
- ./jaeger-pg-store:/etc/cmd
command: [ "--config=/etc/collector-gateway.yaml"]
- "1888:1888" # pprof extension
- "13133:13133" # health_check extension
- "4317:4317" # OTLP gRPC receiver
- "4318:4318" # OTLP HTTP receiver
- "55670:55679" # zpages extension
- jaeger-all-in-one
- jaeger-all-in-one
I have tried building the jaeger-plugin-store with CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=darwin since im on a mac system. Im still relatively new to go in general.
Weirdly enough, when i followed the normal instructions in their readme which was running jaeger-all-in-one as an executable from their binary and not through docker-compose it works but just cannot detect my postgres database. However, i preferably would want to run it with my docker-compose file instead.
The pertinent error is
fork/exec /etc/cmd/jaeger-pg-store: exec format error
This suggests incompatible binary format. When you're running from within a Docker container, your binary has a different view of the operating system than on your local machine, i.e. the Docker image you're using is built for Linux, but you're trying to point it to a plugin binary built for MacOS. You would need to build the plugin binary for Linux as well.