I would like to plot the subpeaks of my fitted peak. I have a composite peak with a main peak and a shoulder. I can fit and plot it, but i need the individual subpeaks which build up the spectra. How can I plot them too? My code is the following:
set term png
set fit quiet
set fit logfile "peakfitdatalog.txt"
do for[i = 0:20] for [j = 0:20] {
outfile = "testmap_Y".(sprintf('%02d_X%02d',j,i)).".png"
set output outfile
set xrange [900:1000]
fit voigtfv(x) "testmap_Y".(sprintf('%02d_X%02d',j,i)).".txt" via a1, a2, w1, w2, y0, y1
plot "testmap_Y".(sprintf('%02d_X%02d',j,i)).".txt", voigtfv(x)
set print "fit_param.dat" append
print sprintf("%i,%i,%i,%i",a1,a2,w1,w2)
set print
I have tried to plot each peaks alone after the plotting of the main fit and plot procedure but is is not working, I dont see the subpeaks only the result of the fitting procedure.
A bit late..., but maybe this is still helpful to you.
Although, I don't understand how exactly your function is related to the Voigt profile (maybe an approximation?) and why it has some linear term y1*x
As I understand the Voigt-profile is a convolution of a Lorentz and a Gaussian distribution.
Actually, gnuplot has some Voigt-function implemented: check help voigt
As much as I understand voigt(x,0)
is a Gauss profile and voigt(x,1)
is a Lorentz profile.
Some comments:
set locale "German"
and set decimalsign locale
. Maybe there are other ways.Undefined value during function evaluation
. You also might find a way to get automated estimations, e.g. peak positions x1
are easy, but b1
, b2
and p
might need more thoughts.voigt(x,p)
profile, parameter p
has been kept the same for the two peaks.Script:
### fit two voigt profiles
reset session
FILE = "SO77274181.dat"
set locale "German"
set decimalsign locale
v(x,x0,A,b,p) = A*voigt(b*(x-x0),p)
f1(x) = v(x,x1,A1,b1,p)
f2(x) = v(x,x2,A2,b2,p)
f(x) = f1(x) + f2(x)
# initial values for fitting
b1 = 1.5
b2 = 0.5
p = 0.5
fit f(x) FILE via x1,A1,b1,x2,A2,b2,p
set xrange [900:1000]
set samples 500
plot FILE u 1:2 w lp pt 7 ps 0.5, \
f(x) lc "red" lw 2, \
f1(x) lc "web-green", \
f2(x) lc "blue"
### end of script
Final set of parameters Asymptotic Standard Error
======================= ==========================
x1 = 961.328 +/- 0.08639 (0.008986%)
A1 = 12112.2 +/- 302.9 (2.501%)
b1 = 0.15852 +/- 0.003813 (2.406%)
x2 = 971.214 +/- 0.1677 (0.01727%)
A2 = 4018.12 +/- 173.4 (4.316%)
b2 = 0.246915 +/- 0.01145 (4.637%)
p = 0.258716 +/- 0.02553 (9.867%)