
how to make angular kendo-grid typesafe

Variable dataItem has type any, I guess the type can't be inferred from the [kendoGridBinding] which binds to Array<T>? Do I need to use a type guard or type assertion on each column?

<kendo-grid [kendoGridBinding]="processTable()">
       field="qty"  <-- not type safe
       title="Qty Required"> 
    <kendo-grid-column title="Processed">
      <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
        {{ }}  <--- not type safe

I have a growing number of tables and refactoring the code e.g. renaming variables could in this situation cause errors undetected by the compiler.


  • Your issue can be solved by wrapping the let-dataItem:

    Instead of this:

    <kendo-grid-column title="Processed">
      <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
        {{ }}  <--- not type safe

    Do this:

    <kendo-grid-column title="Processed">
      <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-untypedDataItem>
        <ng-container *ngIf="identity(untypedDataItem) as dataItem">
            {{ }}  <--- Now is type safe
    // typescript
    identity(foo: any): MyType {
        return foo;
    <ng-template #foo let-untypedDataItem>
        @if (identity(untypedDataItem); as dataItem) {
            {{ }}  <--- Now is type safe

    This is more or less the same answer I gave here, you can check other people approaches there.

    The type assertion is noticed by the IDE when *ngFor or *ngIf is in use. The downside with this solution is that the inner is rendered "later" because of the *ngIf. And also, ngZone is called at every lifecycle which might result in a little performance drawback.