Hello I am learning salesforce and the documentation is sometimes vague for lwc. I am coming from svelte / react and I want to console log the value of a variable being passed down from parent to child. The syntax is not clear to me.
I think @api is basically like exposing a variable as a prop. But do I use @wire or getter to simply log changes to a variable?
export let disabled; <--svelte
@api disabled;<--salesforce
$: console.log(disabled)<--svelte
what is equivilent??? <--salesforce
What is the equivilent of doing $: console.log(this.disabled) from svelte to log reactive changes?
Never heard about svelte before but
Try not exposing the real variable @api
. Instead have a normal variable (there's convention of prefixing "privates" with an underscore but it doesn't have any power, doesn't change anything in access rules) and expose a getter/setter and then in setter you could inject any side effects you want?
There's even school of thought (eslint code smell rule) that says if you exposed something as @api you shouldn't modify it directly yourself. Don't treat it like an oracle but seems 1 more use case for getter / setter. https://github.com/salesforce/eslint-plugin-lwc/issues/91#issuecomment-1709204840