
How can I hide the on-screen keyboard when testing a web app on Chrome on Android via BrowserStack?

I am testing a web app with BrowserStack in this style (C#):

var driverOptions = createDriverOptions(); // ChromeOptions etc. 
driverOptions.AddAdditionalOption("bstack:options", browserStackOptionsDictionary); 
new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(browserStackUrl), driverOptions); 

This works for all browsers on desktop OSes and Safari on iOS.

However, with Chrome on Android I run into a problem: After sending text to an input element, the on-screen keyboard sometimes stays open, causing a subsequent button click command to fail.

I have tried driver.Navigate().Back(), but it always performs actual navigation. I have also found the following proposals:


But I assume these require Appium - is that correct? If so, how can I use Appium to test a web app via BrowserStack? I have found these docs, but I assume they apply only to native apps (APK):


  • Add a dependency to the Appium.WebDriver library. If you are using Selenium 4, you will have to use Appium.WebDriver 5, which is currently only available as a prerelease, the latest of which is 5.0.0-rc.1.

    Then simply replace RemoteWebDriver with AndroidDriver from namespace OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Android. Now you can use driver.HideKeyboard().