
Side Scroller in C++

I'm looking at creating a basic side-scroller using OpenGL and C++, however I'm having trouble tackling a few basic conceptual issues, namely:

  1. Dividing the window into easy "blocks" (some sort of grid system). On what level would I want to do this? (The OpenGL viewport size, or through some abstraction that ensures working with multiples of x?)

  2. Storing the data for all these "blocks" to allow for collision detection and some special effects. What's a sensible way of going about this - I was thinking along the lines of a multi-dimensional array of objects (which contain information such as the tile type), but this doesn't seem like a very elegant or efficient solution.


  • Usually, it isn't the window (ie. viewport) which is divided into a grid but rather the "gameplay area". Pick a good size according to the style of your art (something like 64px - you might want to select a size that is a power of two for technical reasons) and create tiles of that size for your game (stored and loaded as a 1D array)

    Then, these tiles are referenced (by an offset) in a tilemap, which actually describes what your level looks like. Each tile can also have extra metadata for handling collisions and game events. You might want to use an existing map format and toolset to save time, like Mappy.