I've got
)through which I'm sending out programmatic SMSs to various European countries. Some of these countries apparently don't support Alphanumeric IDs (e.g. Belgium).
So, assuming my code looks like this:
import twilio from "twilio";
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const messagingServiceSid = process.env.TWILIO_MESSAGING_SID;
const twilioClient = twilio(accountSid, authToken);
// https://www.twilio.com/docs/errors/21211 etc
const PhoneRelatedTwilioErrorCodes = [
21211, 20023, 21217, 21401, 21407, 21421, 21601, 21612, 22102
// ... more code
try {
messageResponse = await twilioClient.messages.create({
to: '123',
body: 'xyz'
} catch (twexc: any) {
// ...
I've got the following questions:
There's no need to fall back programmatically. The Messaging Service's Sender Pool needs a long code number to fall back to so you'll need to manually add a "Phone Number Sender" alongside your Alpha Sender ID:
Note for the discerning reader: the order of these senders doesn't really matter. Quoting the docs:
If you add an Alpha Sender to your Twilio Messaging Service, Twilio will select the Alphanumeric Sender ID automatically when you send a message to a supported country, unless you also have a short code number in that same country.