
Oracle Apex Internal error, Could not validate caller for user "" when parsing

I'm getting an > Internal error, Could not validate caller for user "" when parsing

- error_backtrace: ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
  object      line  object
  handle    number  name
0xbcede5c0      1033  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR.INTERNAL_GET_ERROR
0xbcede5c0      1101  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR.INTERNAL_ADD_ERROR
0xbcede5c0      1493  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR.RAISE_INTERNAL_ERROR
0xbcede5c0      1574  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR.RAISE_MASKED_INTERNAL_ERROR
0xd11c9840       501  package body SYS.WWV_DBMS_SQL_APEX_190200.PARSE_AS_USER
0xd11d27f0      2006  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC.PARSE_AS_USER
0xd11d27f0      2513  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC.RUN_BLOCK5
0xd11d27f0      1301  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_DYNAMIC_EXEC.GET_PLSQL_EXPR_RESULT_BOOLEAN
0xbc8fef90       207  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_CONDITIONS.STANDARD_CONDITION
0xbcd71460        71  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_META_UTIL.IS_OK_TO_DISPLAY
0xbcd71460       118  package body APEX_190200.WWV_FLOW_META_UTIL.IS_OK_T~ 

when I call a PL/SQL procedure before header on Page in Oracle Apex:


The procedure has the CREATE_SESSION procedure in it:


   apex_session.create_session (
    p_app_id   => 100,
    p_page_id  => 1,
    p_username => 'doSomething USER');

    insert into table1 (column1, column1) values (val1, val2);

   apex_session.delete_session (v('APP_SESSION'));


The doSomething procedure seems to run fine as, after I get the Internal error, I can check table1 and see that data as correctly been inserted into the table. My main problem now is getting the page to do something else like branch to a new modal but the Internal error is preventing that as nothing on the page renders, no regions, no buttons, nothing.

Is they a way to either fix the error or just bypass it altogether? I've tried removing the component it supposedly has the issue with, but the same error comes back on a different component


  • When calling a procedure from within apex, that procedure has the context of the current apex session. create_session is only needed outside of an APEX context, for example in code that is invoke from a scheduler job but that needs a session.

    So what I suspect is happening is that the apex_session.delete_session (v('APP_SESSION')); is destroying the apex session you are correctly connected as in your application. Just get rid of any apex_session calls in your application or in any code called from your application.