As you can see I wish to count how many days each product has been shorted. The amount shorted is not relevant just the amount of days shorted. Salad saw two days shorted, cheese saw no days and Trifle saw 1 day with shorts. I just can't work out the formula to put into column "I" to automatically calculate days shorted.
In cell I1
, use the following formula, then copy it down:
=SUM(--(SUMIFS($D$2:$D$25, $A$2:$A$25, H1, $B$2:$B$25, UNIQUE($B$2:$B$25))>0))
OR, to make it spill down automatically, use:
SUM(--(SUMIFS(D2:D25, A2:A25, r, B2:B25, UNIQUE(B2:B25))>0))))
OR, if cell H1
is already dynamic with =UNIQUE(A2:A25)
, then use:
SUM(--(SUMIFS(D2:D25, A2:A25, r, B2:B25, UNIQUE(B2:B25))>0))))
OR, to include everything in one array, use:
list, UNIQUE(A2:A25),
HSTACK(list, BYROW(list, LAMBDA(r,
SUM(--(SUMIFS(D2:D25, A2:A25, r, B2:B25, UNIQUE(B2:B25))>0))))))