Have a recycler view nested in NestedScrollView
Trying to scroll to a particular item in recycler view with below code
val childOffset = recyclerView.y + recyclerView.getChildAt(index).top
binding.nestedScrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, childOffset.toInt())
Have to figure out if the scrolled element is in top part of center of screen or bottom part of screen. How to achieve this ?
val outlocation = IntArray(2)
val displayOnTop = outLocation[1] > requireContext().resources.displayMetrics.heightPixels/2
This approach is not working as getLocationScreen value is not being consistent with scrolling.
What is the better way to achieve this ?
Was able to solve with below approach.
val viewHolder = recyclerView.layoutManager?.findViewByPosition(index)
if (viewHolder != null) {
val rect = Rect()
viewHolder.getHitRect(rect) //Gets the rectangle coordinates in parent view coordinates system of the recycler item
recyclerView.requestRectangleOnScreen(rect) //auto scroll and position item on screen with request Focus
val displayOnTop =
rect.bottom > (binding.nestedScrollView.top + binding.nestedScrollView.bottom) / 2