I know the usual way of using DateFormatter style with option of .withFullDate
to convert a date of style "yyyy-MM-dd"
(ISO 8601 but just date, not time or timezone) into Swift Date
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.formatOptions = [.withFullDate]
let date = formatter.date(from: "2023-10-21")
But I am wondering if it is possible to achieve this with new Swift's RegexBuilder Capture
and maybe with Transform
It seems the .date(...)
function requires locale
but I do not care for the locale, I just want a String
date to convert into Date
Is it possible to do this using built in date formatter in RegexBuilder? i.e. without writing literal Regex.
You can capture the date string as a Date
let input = "2023-10-21 some other stuff"
let regex = Regex {
Capture {
if let match = input.firstMatch(of: regex) {
print(match.output.1, type(of: match.output.1))
2023-10-21 00:00:00 +0000 Date