How do I add a custom key and a value type to the Registry Editor? For example, if I want to add Windows Mobility Center: "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MobilePC\AdaptableSettings" to my desktop, I would have to add the SkipBatteryCheck item name and the dword values of 1 or 0 to the item. Is there any way to do that in a .reg file which is used to add/delete entries within the Registry Editor
Yes, you can do that so first of all : Open "regedit" as administrator
In the Registry Editor, navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MobilePC.
Right-click on the "MobilePC" key, then select "New" -> "Key" and name it "AdaptableSettings."
Now, go into the "AdaptableSettings" key that you just created.
Right-click within this key, select "New" -> "DWORD Value," and name it "SkipBatteryCheck."
Hope it helped you