
WebDriver, Chome on Ubuntu add Certificate Authority from CLI

I'm working on an application that uses Chrome and ChromeDriver (WebDriver) on Ubuntu.

My application uses a proxy to tunnel the traffic from the browser and to support SSL the proxy uses a self-signed certificate with its own Certificate Authority.

I know that I can add the CA to Ubuntu itself (/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ + sudo update-ca-certificates) which makes e.g. curl work with my custom certificate.

I can also open Chrome, go to Settings -> Privacy and security -> Security -> Manage certificates, and add my custom CA-certificate here which works.

But I would like to automate this so that I can create a script that adds my CA-cert to Chrome.

How would I do that?


  • I continued my research and it turns out that Thomas Leister had the same problem and found that Chrome (and Firefox as well) uses their own CA-store.

    He even provided a script to install the cert in a simple way:

    First make sure libnss3-tools is installed

    sudo apt install libnss3-tools

    Then use this script:

    ### Script installs root.cert.pem to certificate trust store of applications using NSS
    ### (e.g. Firefox, Thunderbird, Chromium)
    ### Mozilla uses cert8, Chromium and Chrome use cert9
    ### Requirement: apt install libnss3-tools
    ### CA file to install (CUSTOMIZE!)
    certname="My Root CA"
    ### For cert8 (legacy - DBM)
    for certDB in $(find ~/ -name "cert8.db")
        certdir=$(dirname ${certDB});
        certutil -A -n "${certname}" -t "TCu,Cu,Tu" -i ${certfile} -d dbm:${certdir}
    ### For cert9 (SQL)
    for certDB in $(find ~/ -name "cert9.db")
        certdir=$(dirname ${certDB});
        certutil -A -n "${certname}" -t "TCu,Cu,Tu" -i ${certfile} -d sql:${certdir}