We are having a hard time trying to get data on timestamps
and delays
on each point of:
Now, Twilio does provide logs on 2nd point as serverless API logs and top level events inside it. But there are no further information apart from that.
Is there a way to get this or is there something inside Twilio already to achieve this?
I have tried going through their docs and their youtube Signal videos. But I am not able to find a direct or in-direct way to achieve this.
Twilio makes available Custom Parameters to Share Information Between Your Applications.
For example, if you append a URL query parameter to a Twilio REST API request, Twilio will return that parameter in the response.
curl -X POST https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/ACxxxxxxxxxx/Calls.json
--data-urlencode "Url=https://website.com/instructions"
--data-urlencode "To=sip:bob@example.com?displayName=Alice&customerID=375d1d60-083b-404d&selectedProductID=87144192-73e2-45a6"
--data-urlencode "From=+15017122661"
In the above example, when your Twiml endpoint https://website.com/instructions is called by Twilio, these parameters will also be included:
This will allow your application and Twilio to stay in sync.
For your question about Timestamps, you could pass a parameter such as "OriginatedTimestamp=2023-10-22T10:12:07.5980142Z"
Then when you receive a response, Twilio will include its own Timestamp and you can compare your OriginatedTimestamp with the Twimlio Timestamp parameter. This page lists all the properties for a Call resource.
If you haven't set it up already, Ngrok makes it very easy to view the properties returned by Twilio - Twilio explains this in a blog post about using Ngrok in 2022. A tool like Fiddler will allow you to view your outgoing requests to Twilio while Ngrok will allow you to view the corresponding replies from Twilio.