I'm trying to build a docker image to access an oracle database
at runtime, I'm having the following error message: DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library: "/oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".
Inside the container, there actually is a symbolic link at /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so
FROM python:3.12-slim
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y wget unzip libaio1
# Download and install Oracle instantclient
RUN mkdir /tmp/oracle && \
wget https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/1920000/instantclient-basic-linux.x64- -P /tmp/oracle && \
unzip /tmp/oracle/instantclient-basic-* -d /tmp/oracle && \
mkdir ${ORACLE_HOME} && \
mv /tmp/oracle/instantclient_* ${ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME}
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
pip install pipenv
ADD main.py Pipfile Pipfile.lock ./
RUN pipenv sync
ENTRYPOINT ["./.venv/bin/python", "main.py"]
CMD [""]
import os
import oracledb
def print_db_version(db_config):
params = oracledb.ConnectParams(host=db_config['host'], port=db_config['port'], service_name=db_config['name'])
with oracledb.connect(user=db_config['username'], password=db_config['password'], params=params) as conn:
print(f'Database version: {conn.version}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Both calls below fail...
# oracledb.init_oracle_client()
db_config = {
'host': os.environ['DB_HOST'],
'port': os.environ['DB_PORT'],
'name': os.environ['DB_NAME'],
'username': os.environ['DB_USERNAME'],
'password': os.environ['DB_PASSWORD'],
url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"
oracledb = "1.4.2"
command lines (last one allows to explore the container):
docker build -t my-version .
docker run my-version
docker run -it --entrypoint "" my-version bash
I can not figure out why this error pops up while the library is actually installed in my container... any ideas?
I tried Anthony Tuininga suggestions and had the following output:
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: ODPI-C 5.0.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: debugging messages initialized at level 64
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: Context Parameters:
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: Oracle Client Lib Dir: /oracle/instantclient
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: Environment Variables:
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: LD_LIBRARY_PATH => "/oracle/instantclient"
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: load in parameter directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: load in dir /oracle/instantclient
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: load with name /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: load by OS failure: /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.206: load with name /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.19.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load by OS failure: /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.19.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load with name /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.18.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load by OS failure: /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.18.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load with name /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.12.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load by OS failure: /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.12.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load with name /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.11.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load by OS failure: /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.11.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load with name /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.20.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load by OS failure: /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.20.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load with name /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.21.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-21 19:13:32.207: load by OS failure: /oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so.21.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/main.py", line 18, in <module>
['libocci.so.19.1', 'libnnz19.so', 'adrci', 'libipc1.so', 'xstreams.jar', 'libclntsh.so.11.1', 'libclntsh.so.18.1', 'genezi', 'libocci.so.12.1', 'network', 'libocci.so.10.1', 'libocci.so', 'libociei.so', 'libclntsh.so', 'libclntsh.so.12.1', 'libocci.so.18.1', 'libclntsh.so.19.1', 'ucp.jar', 'BASIC_LICENSE', 'libocijdbc19.so', 'ojdbc8.jar', 'BASIC_README', 'libmql1.so', 'liboramysql19.so', 'libocci.so.11.1', 'libclntshcore.so.19.1', 'libclntsh.so.10.1', 'uidrvci']
File "src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx", line 476, in oracledb.thick_impl.init_oracle_client
File "src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx", line 500, in oracledb.thick_impl.init_oracle_client
File "src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx", line 421, in oracledb.thick_impl._raise_from_info
oracledb.exceptions.DatabaseError: DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library: "/oracle/instantclient/libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". See https://python-oracledb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/initialization.html for help
It shows that:
is properly set to /oracle/instantclient
actually contains libclntsh.so file (it's actually a symbolic link to libclntsh.so.19.1It sounds pretty weird to me...
I made the source code available here: https://github.com/galak75/python-oracle-img
I tried to use the bare call to init_oracle_client()
, and then it looks like LD_LIBRARY_PATH
variable is not used: instant client is search in my python virtualenv:
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: ODPI-C 5.0.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: debugging messages initialized at level 64
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: Context Parameters:
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: Environment Variables:
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: LD_LIBRARY_PATH => "/oracle/instantclient"
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: check module directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: module name is /app/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/oracledb/thick_impl.cpython-312-aarch64-linux-gnu.so
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: load in dir /app/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/oracledb
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: load with name /app/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/oracledb/libclntsh.so
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: load by OS failure: /app/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/oracledb/libclntsh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: load with OS search heuristics
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.681: load with name libclntsh.so
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.682: load by OS failure: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.682: load with name libclntsh.so.19.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.682: load by OS failure: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.682: load with name libclntsh.so.18.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.682: load by OS failure: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.682: load with name libclntsh.so.12.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: load by OS failure: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: load with name libclntsh.so.11.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: load by OS failure: libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: load with name libclntsh.so.20.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: load by OS failure: libclntsh.so.20.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: load with name libclntsh.so.21.1
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: load by OS failure: libclntsh.so.21.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ODPI [00001] 2023-10-22 14:48:34.683: check ORACLE_HOME
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/main.py", line 19, in <module>
File "src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx", line 476, in oracledb.thick_impl.init_oracle_client
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /oracle/instantclient
['libocci.so.19.1', 'libnnz19.so', 'adrci', 'xstreams.jar', 'libclntsh.so.11.1', 'libclntsh.so.18.1', 'genezi', 'libocci.so.12.1', 'network', 'libocci.so.10.1', 'libocci.so', 'libociei.so', 'libclntsh.so', 'libclntsh.so.12.1', 'libocci.so.18.1', 'libclntsh.so.19.1', 'ucp.jar', 'BASIC_LICENSE', 'libocijdbc19.so', 'ojdbc8.jar', 'BASIC_README', 'liboramysql19.so', 'libocci.so.11.1', 'libclntshcore.so.19.1', 'libclntsh.so.10.1', 'uidrvci']
File "src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx", line 500, in oracledb.thick_impl.init_oracle_client
File "src/oracledb/impl/thick/utils.pyx", line 421, in oracledb.thick_impl._raise_from_info
oracledb.exceptions.DatabaseError: DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library: "libaio.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". See https://python-oracledb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/initialization.html for help
I added libaio1
package installation to my code, since it was clearly the next issue (after the target OS platform issue), as pointed out by Christopher's answer
I finally figured it out, after so many hours struggling!
I'm running on a MacBook with an M1 chip (arm64
architecture), while I'm installing an instantclient distribution for amd64
then I made it work by forcing the target docker platform to amd64
docker build -t my-version . --platform amd64
docker run --env-file .local/env my-version
Note: I also had to fix few issues like installing libaio1
debian package, and removing the conn.close()
python statement
EDIT: Another solution is to download the right instant client package depending on the target OS platform:
RUN mkdir /tmp/oracle && \
if [ "`uname -m`" = "aarch64" ] || [ "`uname -m`" = "arm64" ]; \
then echo "ARM64 architecture detected" && wget https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/1919000/instantclient-basic-linux.arm64- -P /tmp/oracle; \
elif [ "`uname -m`" = "amd64" ] || [ "`uname -m`" = "x86_64" ] ; \
then echo "AMD64 architecture detected" && wget https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/1920000/instantclient-basic-linux.x64- -P /tmp/oracle; \
else \
echo "target platform was not recognized : `uname -a`" && exit 1; \
fi; \
unzip /tmp/oracle/instantclient-basic-* -d /tmp/oracle && \
mkdir -p ${ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME} && \
mv /tmp/oracle/instantclient_*/* ${ORACLE_CLIENT_HOME}