I'm new in mongoengine and I'm trying to relate two documments.
class Actor(Document):
name = StringField(required=True, unique=True)
movies = ListField()
class Movie(Document):
title = StringField(required=True, unique=True)
release_date = DateField()
director = StringField()
cast = ListField(ReferenceField(Actor))
I'd like to list the actors and have the movies appear. Or list the movies and the actors would appear related.
In my mind, I think of something like this:
class Actor(Resource):
def get_actors(self) -> Response:
for actor in Actor.objects.all():
movies = Movie.objects(actors=actor)
return Response(planets, mimetype='application/json', status=200)
Is this a valid path, or is my head in Postgres and Mongo different? Any ideas?
In mongoengine, if you use ReferenceField, this will auto queryset to Actor. So you only need create a function to return a dict value.
class Actor(Document):
name = StringField(required=True, unique=True)
movies = ListField()
def as_dict(self):
return {
"id": str(self.pk),
"name": self.name,
"movies": self.movies
class Movie(Document):
title = StringField(required=True, unique=True)
release_date = DateField()
director = StringField()
cast = ListField(ReferenceField(Actor))
def as_dict(self):
return {
"id": str(self.pk),
"title": self.title,
"release_date": self.release_date.isoformat(),
"director": self.director,
"cast": [i_cast.as_dict() for i_cast in self.cast]
In API, you only call ac_dict after query to return data
def get_actors(self) -> Response:
actors = Actor.objects.all()
return Response([actor.as_dict() for actor in actors], mimetype='application/json', status=200)