How to set page header starting from second page

First page in Migradoc PDF file should not have page header. All remaining pages should have same header. I tried

        var document = new Document { };
        var Section = document.AddSection();
        Section.PageSetup = document.DefaultPageSetup.Clone();
        Section.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = true;
        Section.Headers.Primary.AddParagraph("Page header for all pages except first page");
        Section.PageSetup.TopMargin = "1cm";
        Section.PageSetup.HeaderDistance = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < 77; i++)
            Section.AddParagraph("Line " + i);

But this adds empty space in top of first page:

enter image description here


    Section.PageSetup.TopMargin = "0cm";

Is used, header overlaps with contents:

enter image description here

How to add header starting from second page so that there is no empty space in start of first page ?

Negative SpaceBefore for first paragraph in page fixes the issue. Since this is ignored for first paragraph, it requires adding dummy zero-heigth paragraph before it. DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter also requires duplicating footerfor first and remaining pages.

Should those hacks used?

Using .NET Core PdfSharp-Migradoc


  • Footer distance applies to all headers.
    SpaceBefore seems like an approach for the first page. Yes, a dummy paragraph is required.
    Maybe a dummy paragraph with a negative SpaceAfter can also be used - I did not try this.