I am trying to create a library in Groovy that can create a JIRA issue from Jenkins. I am able to create the issue, but how can I redirect the function output to a variable to filter specific key/value from the json output that is displayed on to the console?
The console output prints like below from where I want to export id
and key
[Pipeline] sh (hide)
This is the library function I have created
def call(Map config=[:]) {
def rawBody = libraryResource 'com/org/api/jira/createIssue.json'
def binding = [
key: "${config.key}",
summary: "${config.summary}",
description: "${config.description}",
issuetype: "${config.issuetype}"
def render = renderTemplate(rawBody,binding)
def response = sh('curl -D- -u $JIRA_CREDENTIALS -X POST --data "'+render+'" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JIRA_URL/rest/api/2/issue')
return response
This is the pipeline from where I am calling the function
@Library("jenkins2jira") _
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('create issue') {
steps {
jiraCreateIssue(key: "MyKEY", summary: "New JIRA Created from Jenkins", description: "New JIRA body from Jenkins", issuetype: "Task")
To achieve what you want just modify your sh
step to return the output, then read it as JSON and convert it to a dictionary that will be retuned by you function.
For example you can change you jiraCreateIssue.groovy to:
def call(Map config=[:]) {
def rawBody = libraryResource 'com/org/api/jira/createIssue.json'
def binding = [
key: config.key,
summary: config.summary,
description: config.description,
issuetype: config.issuetype
def render = renderTemplate(rawBody,binding)
def response = sh script:'curl -D- -u $JIRA_CREDENTIALS -X POST --data "render" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $JIRA_URL/rest/api/2/issue', returnStdout: true
def dict = readJSON text: response
return dict // return a dictionary containing all the response values
** Using the readJSON step from the pipeline utility steps plugin.
Than in your pipeline you can use the result:
stage('create issue') {
steps {
script {
def result = jiraCreateIssue(key: "MyKEY", summary: "New JIRA Created from Jenkins", description: "New JIRA body from Jenkins", issuetype: "Task")
println(result.id) // access the returned id
println(result.key) // access the returned key
That's it, threw the returned dictionary you can access all needed response values.