Problem :
InMemoryConnector.clear() is not working after running multiple integration tests that publish events at the same time.
My implementation
value = InMemReactiveMessagingLifecycleManager::class, initArgs = [
ResourceArg(value = "incoming", name = "example-processed"),
ResourceArg(value = "outgoing", name = "example")
class DemoEventProducerTest {
lateinit var demoEventProducer: demoEventProducer
lateinit var inMemoryConnector: InMemoryConnector
lateinit var testHelper: TestHelper
fun `publishEvent - valid action - event published`() {
val eventQueue = inMemoryConnector.sink<String>("example")
//event queue contains other events that has been published
class InMemReactiveMessagingLifecycleManager : QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager {
private val params: MutableMap<String, String> = java.util.HashMap()
* Method is invoked before start() method and sets configuration parameters in the class
override fun init(params: Map<String, String>?) {
override fun start(): Map<String, String> {
val env: MutableMap<String, String> = HashMap()
for ((key, value) in params) {
when (value) {
"incoming" -> env.putAll(InMemoryConnector.switchIncomingChannelsToInMemory(key))
"outgoing" -> env.putAll(InMemoryConnector.switchOutgoingChannelsToInMemory(key))
return env
override fun stop() {
Expected behaviour :
val eventQueue = inMemoryConnector.sink<String>("example")
I wanted to clean the queue before this test is running so I will only have exactly one event that this test has produced.
I tried to use @BeforeEach @AfterEeach so that before test method execution I expect the queue is cleaned. but it did not work.
By default test resources are global. During the tests the application starts only once (before all tests) and wont restart until the end except if it is necessary (e.g. a test uses a different test profile). That's because the stop()
method of your lifecycle manager will be called during the graceful shutdown phase.
Additionally InMemoryConnector.clear()
will not clear channels / messages. It just switches back the connector name to the original value. To clear messages of a sink you should call clear()
method on the sink object after each test like: