
Nginx try_files directive doesn't serve the specified files

I know there is lots of similar posts out there but still couldn't find the one fits my case.

I have very simple location block which serves static html file but it serve 404 not the file i specified.

location / {
    if ($request_uri != /abcd) {
        return 500;

    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    #try_files $uri.html =404;
    #try_files index2.html =404;
    try_files $uri $uri/  =404;

And this is output of ls in root directory

50x.html  abcd.html  index.html  index2.html

As you can see there is abcd.html and index2.html but when i set the file name it can't be reached and shows 404 page.

Only $uri.html can be resolved and shows the right page. What should i do if i want to serve the static file for the location?

For example i want to server abcd.html for the request /abcd and return 500 for the other requests.


  • All Nginx URIs contain a leading /.

    The file parameter of the try_files directive requires a leading / to match the specified path. See try_files manual page.

    The $uri variable already contains a leading /.


    For example:

    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    location / {
        return 500;
    location = /abcd {
        try_files /index2.html =404;

    Assuming that index2.html always exists, the =404 is never reached.