
Close browser after calling http trigger in .NET MAUI app

Is it possible to close a browser after I have opened it in a .NET MAUI Visual Studio app?

My use case is when I press a button in the app (very simple app) I call a URL, this URL is a trigger URL for an Alexa device. This part works fine, but the browser persists on the phone and I would really like to close the tab I have just opened (or even the browser)

My code called on the click event

 private async void CallUrlTrigger_NFC_TAG1_off()
         Uri uri = newUri("");
         BrowserLaunchOptions options = new BrowserLaunchOptions()
             LaunchMode = BrowserLaunchMode.SystemPreferred,
             TitleMode = BrowserTitleMode.Show,
             PreferredToolbarColor = Colors.Violet,
             PreferredControlColor = Colors.SandyBrown

         await Browser.Default.OpenAsync(uri, options);

     //block of code to close the tab just opened or the browser

     catch (Exception ex)
         // An unexpected error occurred. No browser may be installed on the device.
         await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Unable to trigger the lights" + ex.Message, "OK");


  • You can navigate back to close the browser. For example:


    I've only tested it on android but it should work on all platforms.