Using the pint
library in python - It has support for unit conversions, which work great.
For example:
units.Quantity(2, "mph").to("kph")
I would like to understand how I could define a unit pacem
- which would be "minutes per mile", or pacek
which would be "minutes per km"
This feels like it should be do-able in the units definitions, without having to write any python code at all, in the same way as I could write
units.define("rps = revolution / second")
Those units scale with the inverse of each other, i.e. speed is inversely proportional to pace. Hence I seem to need to transform first. Something like:
import pint
units = pint.UnitRegistry()
units.define("pace = minutes / kilometers")
speed = units.Quantity('10 kph')
outputs 6.0 pace