Good time of the day
I am using Unity IAP version 2.2.2
I wanted to get IOS app store's country.
Here I see in Apple docs that product contains priceLocale to get locale. But in unity iap, product doesn't contains this field in product's information.
com.example.puzzles.annual: {"introductoryPrice":"0","introductoryPriceLocale":"USD","introductoryPriceNumberOfPeriods":"1","numberOfUnits":"1","unit":"1"}
How can I get iOS app store's country? P.S. IP location or getting country from isoCurrencyCode are not an option for me
To those who wants to get App store country on IOS.
Create a c# class MyNativeBindings.cs
public class MyNativeBindings
public static extern void LoadLocationInfo(string productId);
public static extern string GetLocationCode();
Create ios native objective-c class and move to Asset/Plugins/ios folder
#import <StoreKit/StoreKit.h>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
@class ProductRequestResponseDelegate;
@interface ProductRequestResponseDelegate : NSObject <SKProductsRequestDelegate>;
@property (nonatomic) std::function<void(const std::string &type, const std::string &country_code)> callback;
-(void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response;
static ProductRequestResponseDelegate * g_delegate = nil;
extern "C" {
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
// Helper method to create C string copy
char* MakeStringCopy (NSString* nsstring)
if (nsstring == NULL) {
return NULL;
// convert from NSString to char with utf8 encoding
const char* string = [nsstring cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (string == NULL) {
return NULL;
// create char copy with malloc and strcpy
char* res = (char*)malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
strcpy(res, string);
return res;
void LoadLocationInfo(const char* productId) {
g_delegate = [[ProductRequestResponseDelegate alloc] init];
g_delegate.callback = [](const std::string & type, const std::string & code) {
// NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[userDefaults registerDefaults:@{@"loc_type": [NSString stringWithUTF8String:type.c_str()]}];
[userDefaults registerDefaults:@{@"loc_code": [NSString stringWithUTF8String:code.c_str()]}];
NSLog(@"%@",[userDefaults objectForKey:@"loc_type"]);
NSLog(@"%@",[userDefaults objectForKey:@"loc_code"]);
auto set = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: productId], nil];
auto request = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers: set];
request.delegate = g_delegate;
[request start];
char* GetLocationType()
NSString *s = [userDefaults objectForKey:@"loc_type"];
return MakeStringCopy(s);
char* GetLocationCode()
NSString *s = [userDefaults objectForKey:@"loc_code"];
return MakeStringCopy(s);
@implementation ProductRequestResponseDelegate
-(void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (!self.callback)
auto products = [response products];
if ([products count] == 0)
self.callback("", "");
auto product = [products firstObject];
if (![product respondsToSelector: @selector(priceLocale)])
self.callback("", "");
auto locale = [product priceLocale];
if ([locale respondsToSelector: @selector(countryCode)])
self.callback("code", [[locale countryCode] UTF8String]);
self.callback("identifier", [[locale localeIdentifier] UTF8String]);