actually i have a listile. i want to change its background color, leading icon color and prefix icon color when i am tapping on it.
leading: AppIcon.PERSON,
trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_right_alt_sharp),
// hoverColor: AppColors.PRIMARY_COLOR_20,
onTap: () {
// selected: true,
splashColor: AppColors.PRIMARY_COLOR_20,
selectedTileColor: AppColors.PRIMARY_COLOR_20,
selectedColor: AppColors.PRIMARY_COLOR_20,
title: Text(
'Edit Account',
style: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Inter'),
Create a variable that will hold those color values.
Color backgroundColor = Colors.white;
Color leadingIconColor =;
Color trailingIconColor =;
Assign those values to the parameters that needs the color. The setState will change the value of those colors inside the onTap
leading: Icon(Icons.account_circle, color: leadingIconColor,),
trailing: Icon(Icons.arrow_right_alt_sharp, color: trailingIconColor),
// hoverColor: AppColors.PRIMARY_COLOR_20,
onTap: () {
// Set the new values of the color variables.
setState(() {
backgroundColor = Colors.grey;
leadingIconColor = Colors.white;
trailingIconColor = Colors.white;
// selected: true,
tileColor: backgroundColor,
title: const Text(
'Edit Account',
style: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Inter'),