Simply put, I've got a File
object that product code will invoke the copyTo
method on. Similarly, I'm looking for an equivalent mocking technique for File.inputStream
In the unit test, I just want a mock file and the copyTo call to be a no-op or at best verified.
Simple example:
fun copyFileTest() {
println("start test")
val mockFileSrc = mock(
val mockFileDst = mock(
`when`(mockFileSrc.copyTo(any(), any(), any())).thenAnswer { // DOES NOT WORK
val result = it.arguments[0]
result as File
println("done initializing mocks")
Assert.assertEquals(mockFileSrc.exists(), true)
mockFileSrc.copyTo(mockFileDst, true, 0)
println("done with test")
When the unit test runs, this exception is thrown:
Parameter specified as non-null is null: method, parameter target
java.lang.NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method, parameter target
at <34 internal lines>
at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy5.processTestClass(Unknown Source) <7 internal lines>
I believe the problem may be related to the fact that copyTo
seems to be an extension function.
What's the easiest way to just make copyTo a no-op in the unit test that always succeeds in the unit test?
mockito or mockk solutions are acceptable.
The problem you're having is that File.copyTo
is a Kotlin extension function. Mockito is a Java framework, and doesn't understand anything about Kotlin extension functions.
Java doesn't support extension functions, so what File.copyTo
actually compiles to in JVM bytecode is a static function, a member of class
, which takes an extra argument at the start of the argument list, representing the receiver object (the source file), like this:
public static final File copyTo(
File $this$copyTo,
File target,
boolean overwrite,
int bufferSize)
If you want to use Mockito to mock this, you'll need to use mockStatic on the
class and then mock the static method copyTo
. It would be much easier to switch to a mocking framework that is written for Kotlin, such as Mockk, if that is possible.
When using Mockk, to mock module-wide extension functions, use mockkStatic
as per the instructions on the Mockk website. Here's the equivalent of your original code, translated to use Mockk:
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.mockkStatic
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class MyTest {
fun copyFileTest() {
println("start test")
val mockFileSrc = mockk<File>()
val mockFileDst = mockk<File>()
every { mockFileSrc.exists() } returns true
every { mockFileSrc.copyTo(any(), any(), any()) } answers {
arg(1) as File // arg(0) is `this` (source), arg(1) is dest
println("done initializing mocks")
mockFileSrc.copyTo(mockFileDst, true, 0)
println("done with test")