I have a problem with chaining populate in Mongoose.
I have a pet schema and I have declared a method like this:
petSchema.methods.populateForLang = async function(lang) {
Inside this method, I am trying to populate some docs, and this populate works fine:
return await this.populate({path:'type', select: 'title en'});
I also have this populate that works fine:
return await this.populate({path: 'petGender', select: 'title en'});
But when I chain them together:
await this.populate({path: 'petGender', select: 'title en'}).populate({path:'type', select: 'title en'});
I get the error:
this.populate(...).populate is not a function
What is going on?
If you need to populate more than one schema, then you can populate them in one as an array model:
await this.populate([
{ path: 'petGender', select: 'title en' },
{ path:'type', select: 'title en' }