
PHP Attribute Class not found error when trying to get new instance from ReflectionAttribute

I have this Attribute that I have created to control access level into my route methods.

namespace Lrc\Buscrawler\Attribute;

use Attribute;

class RouteAccess
    protected int $role;

    public const PUBLIC = 0;
    public const AUTHENTICATED = 1;
    public const ADMIN = 2;
    public function __construct($role)
        $this->role = $role;

    public function canAccess($sessionID)
        error_log('Yes, you can.');


This way I can put it into my controller methods to specify which role can access that route method, like this:

namespace Lrc\Buscrawler\Controller;

use Lrc\Buscrawler\Attribute\RouteAccess;

class UserController

    public function profile()
        echo '';

And I pretend to use the canAccess method when resolving the routings, so I can check if that session can acess that route. The way I tried to do is like this:

namespace Lrc\Buscrawler\Service;

use ReflectionMethod;
use Lrc\Buscrawler\Attribute\RouteAccess;

class AccessService
    public static function canAccess($session, $controller, $method)
        $con = new $controller();
        $refMethod = new ReflectionMethod($con, $method);
        $attributeRef = $refMethod->getAttributes(RouteAccess::class)[0];
        $attr = $attributeRef->newInstance();


I am getting an Attribute class not found (0) error at the $attributeRef->newInstance(), even though it is imported with use and has passed through the reference to that class in the previous line at getAttributes(RouteAccess::class)

The things I have tried already:


  • It was a typo where folder name was not equal to namespace defined for the files.