I am watching Lecture 6: Fault Tolerance: Raft (1) MIT 6.824: Distributed Systems. At 1:16:25 Prof is discussing scenarios which are possible. Video Link: [https://youtu.be/64Zp3tzNbpE?t=4585] According to him, the following scenario looks possible.
10 11 12 13 14 15
S1: 3
S2: 3 3 4
S3: 3 3 5
I believe this is not possible, because S3's last known term is 3, so it cannot jump to term 5 for new election, because election at term 4 only S2 knows about it.
Trying to understand how this scenarios is possible.
Around 1:15:50 there is a tiny explanation.
We are in a good state at log position 11 :
Now S3 goes offline just for a fraction of time, so S2 does not hear a heartbeat and S2 initiates an election for term 4.
S3 comes back online right before RequestVote arrives, and S3 votes YES for S2 being a leader for term 4. This is the point when S3 learns the current term is 4, I think this is the core of your question.
At this point we are still at log position 11, since no commands from a client arrived.
State of the system:
Now this is the sequence of next events:
The last sequence of events leads to the log config described in the question.