
Use calculated SVG Icon in Quasar

In my Quasar app I'm trying to dynamically change an SVG icon. I'm using a computed property to return the correct name of the icon.


<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { mdiCheckBold, mdiCloseThick } from '@quasar/extras/mdi-v7'

const iconName = computed(() => {
  if (/* some logic */) return 'mdiCheckBold'
  return 'mdiCloseThick'

This doesn't work. In the docs they say, that when using SVG icons, the icon name has to be bound to name. When I directly bind one of the icons to the name, then it works – e.g. :name="mdiCheckBold" shows the correct icon.

How can I make this work with computed?


  • While reviewing my question, I found out how to do it. For anyone having the same question, simply return the imported component instead of a String.

    <script setup>
    import { computed } from 'vue'
    import { mdiCheckBold, mdiCloseThick } from '@quasar/extras/mdi-v7'
    const iconName = computed(() => {
      if (/* some logic */) return mdiCheckBold // Don't return as string
      return mdiCloseThick