I am new to Java and specifically JavaFx, I have created a project to track my food intake through a GUI, but I wish to save that data to a .txt file so I can store the data. Currently, the GUI works well, but I am having trouble storing the data in the .txt file. I have imported the file into the project folder, and here is the relevant code.
btnClear.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
btnShow.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> {
try {
String buffer = "";
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
buffer += list.get(i).date + "\n";
buffer += list.get(i).time + " " + list.get(i).typeOfFood + " " + list.get(i).amtOfFood
} catch(Exception ex) {
btnSubmit.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> {
try {
String buf = tA.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfDate.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfTime.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfTypeOfFood.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfAmtOfFood.getText() + "\n";
list.add(new Food(tfDate.getText(),
tfTypeOfFood.getText(), tfAmtOfFood.getText()));
} catch(Exception ex) {
VBox vb = new VBox();
vb.setPadding(new Insets(15, 15, 15, 15));
vb.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0), null, null)));
Scene scene = new Scene(vb);
stage.setTitle("Food Diary");
String filename = "FoodDiary.txt";
btnSubmit.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> {
try {
String buf = tA.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfDate.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfTime.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfTypeOfFood.getText() + "\n";
buf += tfAmtOfFood.getText() + "\n";
FileProcessing fP = new FileProcessing(filename);
fP.inputBuffer = tfDate.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfTime.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfTypeOfFood.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfAmtOfFood.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfDate.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfTime.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfTypeOfFood.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfAmtOfFood.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfDate.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfTime.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfTypeOfFood.getText() + "\n";
fP.inputBuffer = tfAmtOfFood.getText() + "\n";
list.add(new Food(tfDate.getText(),
tfTypeOfFood.getText(), tfAmtOfFood.getText()));
fP = new FileProcessing(filename);
} catch(Exception ex) {
I also have a "FileProcessing" Class that my professor gave me, and I altered to fit my project. There are no issues in this part of the code.
As others noted, apparently you are asking simply how to write a file. This has nothing to do with JavaFX.
Here is some example code. We define a Food
class as a record. We make some dummy data. We write that data to storage using the convenient Paths
& Files
utility class methods provided by the modern Java NIO & NIO.2 file framework. We export our Food
records as simple TAB-delimited file. Then we read that data, instantiating Food
record objects.
public class FoodRepository
private final String FIELD_SEPARATOR = Character.toString ( 9 ); // TAB
private final Path path = Paths.get ( "/Users/your_user_here/" , "FoodDiary.txt" );
boolean save ( final SequencedCollection < Food > foods )
SequencedCollection < String > lines = new ArrayList <> ( foods.size ( ) );
for ( Food food : foods )
String line = food.name ( ).concat ( FIELD_SEPARATOR ).concat ( String.valueOf ( food.quantity ( ) ) );
lines.add ( line );
Files.write ( path , lines );
return true;
catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException ( e ); }
SequencedCollection < Food > fetch ( )
List < String > lines = Files.readAllLines ( path , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
System.out.println ( "lines = " + lines );
List < Food > foods = new ArrayList <> ( lines.size ( ) );
for ( String line : lines )
System.out.println ( "line = " + line );
String[] parts = line.split ( FIELD_SEPARATOR );
Food food = new Food ( parts[ 0 ] , Integer.parseInt ( parts[ 1 ] ) );
foods.add ( food );
return foods;
catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException ( e ); }
public static void main ( String[] args )
SequencedCollection < Food > foods =
List.of (
new Food ( "Apple" , 1 ) ,
new Food ( "Banana" , 2 ) ,
new Food ( "Carrot" , 3 )
FoodRepository repository = new FoodRepository ( );
if ( repository.save ( foods ) )
SequencedCollection < Food > foodsAgain = repository.fetch ( );
System.out.println ( "foodsAgain = " + foodsAgain );
} else throw new RuntimeException ( "Failed to save food diary to text file." );
record Food( String name , int quantity ) { }
When run:
lines = [Apple 1, Banana 2, Carrot 3]
line = Apple 1
line = Banana 2
line = Carrot 3
foodsAgain = [Food[name=Apple, quantity=1], Food[name=Banana, quantity=2], Food[name=Carrot, quantity=3]]
For earlier versions of Java, you can replace record
with a conventional class definition. In place of SequencedCollection
, use List