I have been attempting to use parallel chords to find the coordinates of the centre of a circle (the sun's disk, in this case).
I have FITS files with data that I have been manipulating, and have written the below code:
hdul = fits.open(r'template_file.fits')
header = hdul[0].header
data = hdul[0].data
y_indices, x_indices = np.where(data >= 6e4)
#this threshold selects the disk as the intensity is much higher than of the background
To 'make' parallel chords, I have decided to put vertical and horizontal lines across the image at intervals of ~200 pixels.
def calculate_indices(x_indices, y_indices):
x_values = range(200, 1201, 200)
y_values = range(200, 1001, 200)
# Initialize dictionaries to store the results
y_1 = {}
y_2 = {}
ylen = {}
x_1 = {}
x_2 = {}
xlen = {}
# Loop over the x values
for x in x_values:
# Get the y values corresponding to the current x value
y_at_x = y_indices[x_indices == x]
# Store the first and last y values and their difference
y_1[x] = y_at_x[0]
y_2[x] = y_at_x[-1]
ylen[x] = y_2[x] - y_1[x]
# Loop over the y values
for y in y_values:
# Get the x values corresponding to the current y value
x_at_y = x_indices[y_indices == y]
# Store the first and last x values and their difference
x_1[y] = x_at_y[0]
x_2[y] = x_at_y[-1]
xlen[y] = x_2[y] - x_1[y]
return y_1, y_2, ylen, x_1, x_2, xlen
This function returns the points where the line crosses the circle (x1, x2, y1, y2) and the length of each chord (xlen, ylen) for each value in the range y_values, x_values.
I find the radius using this function:
def calculate_radius(x_indices):
left = x_indices.min() #using only x_indices as some images are cut off in the y-direction
right = x_indices.max()
r = (right - left)/2
return r
Then, using Pythagoras, it is possible to determine the distance to the centre of the circle using this function:
def calculate_results(r, ylen, xlen):
y_results = {}
y_vals = range(200, 1201, 200)
for y in y_vals:
y_results[y] = y + np.sqrt(r**2 - (ylen[y]/2)**2)
x_results = {}
x_vals = range(200, 1001, 200)
for x in x_vals:
x_results[x] = x + np.sqrt(r**2 - (xlen[x]/2)**2)
return y_results, x_results
I have decided it would be best to take an average of the coordinates to get the central coordinates I require. This is done here:
def calculate_average(x_results, y_results):
a_values = [200, 400, 600] #arbitrary name
#only taking the values in the positive hemisphere hence why up to 600
a = np.array([y_results[a] for a in a_values])
b = np.array([x_results[a] for a in a_values])
av_x = np.average(a)
av_y = np.average(b)
return av_x, av_y
This returns the coordinates I plot.
This appears to work for my template image, but as soon as I apply the same functions to a different file the centre is off.
The only values that are changed is the input data from the FITS file - I don't know what could be causing this issue, as I thought what I had written solves the issue faced by part of the image cutting off.
Can anyone help point out what's going wrong?
I think you have over-complicated the maths and the code a little bit 😉
If you find the first and last white pixel in any row of the image, you can average them and that will give you the x-coordinate of the image centre - as long as the horizontal chord you have drawn is complete, i.e. it doesn't touch the edges of the image.
Likewise, if you find the top-most and bottom-most white pixel in any column of the image, you can average them and that will give you the y-coordinate of the image centre - with same proviso as above.
The proviso about being a complete chord is expressed in this line in the code:
if L[x]>0 and R[x]<w
I also simplified and hopefully speeded up the code using Numpy to do the processing. You should consider trying to avoid iterating over pixels with for
loops - they are slow and error-prone.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
#Â Load the image, greyscale and threshold at 128 to Boolean mask of sun's pixels
BGR = cv.imread('image.png')
grey = cv.cvtColor(BGR, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
mask = grey > 128
h, w = grey.shape
#Â Get left-most and right-most True pixel in each row
#Â Get top-most and bottom-most True pixel in each column
L = np.argmax(mask, axis=1)
R = w - np.argmax(mask[..., ::-1], axis=1)
T = np.argmax(mask, axis=0)
B = h - np.argmax(mask[::-1, ...], axis=0)
# Get midpoint between left and right only for rows that are complete chords
xcentres = [ (L[x]+R[x])/2 for x in range(h) if L[x]>0 and R[x]<w ]
x = int(np.mean(xcentres))
# Get midpoint between top and bottom only for columns that are complete chords
ycentres = [ (T[x]+B[x])/2 for x in range(h) if T[x]>0 and B[x]<h ]
y = int(np.mean(ycentres))
print(f'{x=}, {y=}')
#Â Draw centre in red
BGR[y-3:y+3, x-3:x+3] = [0,0,255]
cv.imwrite('result.png', BGR)