
Using chords to find centre of a circle - getting correct coordinates in one file but wrong coordinates for others

I have been attempting to use parallel chords to find the coordinates of the centre of a circle (the sun's disk, in this case).

I have FITS files with data that I have been manipulating, and have written the below code:

hdul ='template_file.fits')
header = hdul[0].header
data = hdul[0].data

y_indices, x_indices = np.where(data >= 6e4) 
#this threshold selects the disk as the intensity is much higher than of the background

To 'make' parallel chords, I have decided to put vertical and horizontal lines across the image at intervals of ~200 pixels.

def calculate_indices(x_indices, y_indices):
    x_values = range(200, 1201, 200)
    y_values = range(200, 1001, 200)

    # Initialize dictionaries to store the results
    y_1 = {}
    y_2 = {}
    ylen = {}
    x_1 = {}
    x_2 = {}
    xlen = {}

    # Loop over the x values
    for x in x_values:
        # Get the y values corresponding to the current x value
        y_at_x = y_indices[x_indices == x]
        # Store the first and last y values and their difference
        y_1[x] = y_at_x[0]
        y_2[x] = y_at_x[-1]
        ylen[x] = y_2[x] - y_1[x]

    # Loop over the y values
    for y in y_values:
        # Get the x values corresponding to the current y value
        x_at_y = x_indices[y_indices == y]
        # Store the first and last x values and their difference
        x_1[y] = x_at_y[0]
        x_2[y] = x_at_y[-1]
        xlen[y] = x_2[y] - x_1[y]

    return y_1, y_2, ylen, x_1, x_2, xlen

This function returns the points where the line crosses the circle (x1, x2, y1, y2) and the length of each chord (xlen, ylen) for each value in the range y_values, x_values.

I find the radius using this function:

def calculate_radius(x_indices):

    left = x_indices.min() #using only x_indices as some images are cut off in the y-direction
    right = x_indices.max()

    r = (right - left)/2

    return r

Then, using Pythagoras, it is possible to determine the distance to the centre of the circle using this function:

def calculate_results(r, ylen, xlen):
    y_results = {}
    y_vals = range(200, 1201, 200)

    for y in y_vals:
        y_results[y] = y + np.sqrt(r**2 - (ylen[y]/2)**2)

    x_results = {}
    x_vals = range(200, 1001, 200)

    for x in x_vals:
        x_results[x] = x + np.sqrt(r**2 - (xlen[x]/2)**2)
    return y_results, x_results

I have decided it would be best to take an average of the coordinates to get the central coordinates I require. This is done here:

def calculate_average(x_results, y_results): 
    a_values = [200, 400, 600] #arbitrary name
    #only taking the values in the positive hemisphere hence why up to 600

    a = np.array([y_results[a] for a in a_values])
    b = np.array([x_results[a] for a in a_values])

    av_x = np.average(a)
    av_y = np.average(b)

    return av_x, av_y

This returns the coordinates I plot.

This appears to work for my template image, but as soon as I apply the same functions to a different file the centre is off.

Here is an image of my template, and the centre that was found using the code above is marked with a blue dot.

Here is an image of another FITS file of the sun, and you can see that the dot no longer marks the center.

The only values that are changed is the input data from the FITS file - I don't know what could be causing this issue, as I thought what I had written solves the issue faced by part of the image cutting off.

Can anyone help point out what's going wrong?



  • I think you have over-complicated the maths and the code a little bit 😉

    If you find the first and last white pixel in any row of the image, you can average them and that will give you the x-coordinate of the image centre - as long as the horizontal chord you have drawn is complete, i.e. it doesn't touch the edges of the image.

    Likewise, if you find the top-most and bottom-most white pixel in any column of the image, you can average them and that will give you the y-coordinate of the image centre - with same proviso as above.

    The proviso about being a complete chord is expressed in this line in the code:

    if L[x]>0 and R[x]<w

    I also simplified and hopefully speeded up the code using Numpy to do the processing. You should consider trying to avoid iterating over pixels with for loops - they are slow and error-prone.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import numpy as np
    import cv2 as cv
    # Load the image, greyscale and threshold at 128 to Boolean mask of sun's pixels
    BGR  = cv.imread('image.png')
    grey = cv.cvtColor(BGR, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    mask = grey > 128
    h, w = grey.shape
    # Get left-most and right-most True pixel in each row
    # Get top-most and bottom-most True pixel in each column
    L = np.argmax(mask, axis=1)
    R = w - np.argmax(mask[..., ::-1], axis=1)
    T = np.argmax(mask, axis=0)
    B = h - np.argmax(mask[::-1, ...], axis=0)
    # Get midpoint between left and right only for rows that are complete chords
    xcentres = [ (L[x]+R[x])/2 for x in range(h) if L[x]>0 and R[x]<w ]
    x = int(np.mean(xcentres))
    # Get midpoint between top and bottom only for columns that are complete chords
    ycentres = [ (T[x]+B[x])/2 for x in range(h) if T[x]>0 and B[x]<h ]
    y = int(np.mean(ycentres))
    print(f'{x=}, {y=}')
    # Draw centre in red
    BGR[y-3:y+3, x-3:x+3] = [0,0,255]
    cv.imwrite('result.png', BGR)

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