My app has two flavors core
and foss
, default flavor is core.
I've got 3 subfolders in my src folder, core
, foss
and main
I'm trying to access my Home Screen which is referenced in the MainActivity and located in the main
folder. The HomeScreen itself needs a HomeViewModel and that is contained in both the core
and foss
folder, but not in the main
The odd thing for me is when I try to build the core
flavor it accepts this as a valid import in the Home.kt file:
import viewmodels.HomeViewModel
In foss
flavor it only accepts this import:
import com.blazecode.tsviewer.viewmodels.HomeViewModel
For my understanding these imports are essentially the same, but I have to change it every time I want to switch the flavor.
This is how I declared my flavors:
flavorDimensions "version"
productFlavors {
core {
dimension "version"
versionNameSuffix "-core"
foss {
dimension "version"
versionNameSuffix "-foss"
sourceSets {
core {
java.srcDirs = ['src/core/java']
foss {
java.srcDirs = ['src/foss/java']
Is there any way I can move files around or more ideally have one general import so that I don't have to manually change things?
Found the issue, the file's package declaration was different.
My core flavor file had this package declaration:
package viewmodels
While the foss flavor one had this:
package com.blazecode.tsviewer.viewmodels
I changed both to package viewmodels
and now it's working!