I simply want to increase the size of the font for all objects in my ttkbootstrap project. I've googled extensively and tried reading ttkbootstrap's sparse documentation but I haven't figured out how to do this. I've tried creating a style object, but that seems to introduce more problems and not actually change anything.
Here's some of my code:
import ttkbootstrap as ttk
window = ttk.Window(themename="cyborg")
top_frame = ttk.Frame(window, width=main_win_width-20, height=100)
bottom_frame = ttk.Frame(window, width=main_win_width-20, height=400)
now = datetime.now()
current_date = now.strftime('%A') + ", " + now.strftime('%B') + " " + now.strftime('%d') + ', ' + now.strftime('%Y')
date_label = ttk.Label(top_frame, text=current_date, padding=20)
So how do I, for example, make the font size of that label object larger? If there's a simple way to edit the settings of the theme I'm using, that would be ideal.
Also, I read that ttkbootstrap has a cleaner look than tkinter, which is why I'm using it, but I'm finding it difficult to style things. Any recommendations on that front also welcome.
Here is an example how you can increase/decrease font size of the Label widget:
from datetime import datetime
import ttkbootstrap as ttk
main_win_width = 640
font_size = 12
window = ttk.Window(themename="cyborg")
top_frame = ttk.Frame(window, width=main_win_width - 20, height=100)
bottom_frame = ttk.Frame(window, width=main_win_width - 20, height=400)
now = datetime.now()
current_date = (
+ ", "
+ now.strftime("%B")
+ " "
+ now.strftime("%d")
+ ", "
+ now.strftime("%Y")
date_label = ttk.Label(top_frame, text=current_date, padding=20)
date_label.configure(font=("", font_size))
def change_font_size(how):
global font_size
if how == "INC":
font_size += 2
elif how == "DEC":
font_size -= 2
date_label.configure(font=("", font_size))
button_inc = ttk.Button(
bottom_frame, text="Increase size", command=lambda: change_font_size("INC")
button_dec = ttk.Button(
bottom_frame, text="Decrease size", command=lambda: change_font_size("DEC")
button_dec.pack(side=ttk.BOTTOM, pady=10)
Creates this window:
Clicking on Decrease size
/Increase size
the Label with change the font size.