
How to configure Kamailio to log messages into a specific log file and just make its logging work in the first place

I made a kamailio server which half works through the router and doesn't work locally (yes, I know, it's weird) and the main problem is I don't even know what is really happening and what the problem are as I can't see any log (I can see the startup messages so I know I'm looking in the right file).

First problem: by default kamailio log its stuff into /var/log/syslog, but it's a PITA and I'd like to change that so it logs into a dedicated file, something like /tmp/kamailio.log. I already searched but didn't found anyone who did that, it's just insane there's not a simple log_file="" in the config.

Second problem: besides the startup messages it logs nothing else. I added the WITH_DEBUG define in the config, and even added my own xlog() calls but not a single message is logged so I can't debug anything.

I'm so fed up with how complicated it is to make even a very simple VOIP server to work.


  • I ditched kamailio and ended up using freepbx with asterisk. I'll never use kamailio ever again, too much hassle and too much time wasted.