
Samsung KNOX API: Can I change a restriction policy that another app already set?

I am playing around with the app. I gained the developer license from the KNOX portal to do so.

I installed two versions (under different application IDs) of the app on my Samsung device with Android 13:

  1. First app calls restrictionPolicy.allowSafeMode(false)
  2. restrictionPolicy.isSafeModeAllowed() returns false (as expected)
  3. Second app calls restrictionPolicy.allowSafeMode(true)
  4. restrictionPolicy.isSafeModeAllowed() returns false (I assumed true)


  1. Is that common behavior of the KNOX API across all restrictions?
  2. Where's that behavior documented?


  • KNOX Tech Support told me "the stronger policy will take precedent". Example

    In my case restrictionPolicy.allowSafeMode(false) is the stronger policy among two.