I cannot find a way to add a filter creating a view using azurerm_subscription_cost_management_view
via Terraform
I tried using the dataset
grouping . But it's a way for grouping, not filtering.
resource "azurerm_subscription_cost_management_view" "example" {
name = "TerraformCostView"
display_name = "Terraform - Cost View"
subscription_id = "/subscriptions/${var.subscription_id}"
chart_type = "Area"
accumulated = true
report_type = "Usage"
timeframe = "MonthToDate"
dataset {
granularity = "Monthly"
aggregation {
name = "totalCost"
column_name = "Cost"
#grouping {
# name = "department"
# type = "TagKey"
pivot {
name = "ServiceName"
type = "Dimension"
pivot {
name = "ResourceType"
type = "Dimension"
pivot {
name = "ResourceGroupName"
type = "Dimension"
How can I add a filter to the view?
Answering mysef. It can be done using azapi_resource
resource "azapi_resource" "cost_view" {
name = "Terraform-example-cost-view"
parent_id = "/subscriptions/${var.subscription_id}"
type = "Microsoft.CostManagement/views@2019-11-01"
body = jsonencode({
eTag = "\"your_etag_value\""
properties = {
displayName = "Terraform-example-cost-view"
query = {
type = "Usage"
timeframe = "MonthToDate"
dataSet = {
granularity = "Daily"
aggregation = {
totalCost = {
name = "PreTaxCost"
function = "Sum"
grouping = [
type = "Dimension"
name = "ResourceGroupName"
filter = {
and = [
tags = {
name = "your_tag_name1"
operator = "In"
values = ["your_tag_value1"]
tags = {
name = "your_tag_name2"
operator = "In"
values = ["your_tag_value2"]
pivots = [
name = "Benefit"
type = "Dimension"
name = "Location"
type = "Dimension"
name = "Meter"
type = "Dimension"