
Google Guice - Singleton with param

I started using google guice and trying to create an singleton object. Not sure how to pass the parameter required by getClient(...) and create an object using @Inject annotation. Any help is appreciated.

public class Client
    private readonly Child _child;
    public Client(Child child)
        this._child = child;

    static class NestedClass {
        public String propX;
        public String propY;    

class MyHelperModule extends AbstractModule {
    private static final String propXValue = "hello";

    private Client getClient(
        String propY) {

       Client.NestedClass nestedClass = new Client.NestedClass();

       return new Client(nestedClass);

// helper class to create singleton object Client.  
// Need to pass param propY while creating the instance
public Client _client;

void newClient(Client client) {
    this._client = client;

Thanks Srini


  • The arguments to a @Provides methods are obtained through bindings in Guice. Typically you shouldn't bind something as common as a String without a binding annotation. So something like this should let the Client be created:

    @interface PropX {}
    // ...
    bind(String.class).annotatedWith(PropX.class).toInstance("propX value");