I am trying to set Storage in the Firebase console. But when setting location it shows an error.
The location for this project is already set to another value
In setting, it shows location selected. In storage when enable, i do not have any option to choose stroage location as it shows nothing to choose and only option is to click on done, which shows error.
According to the official documentation:
Warning: Setting the location for one of these services (that is, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage, or scheduled functions) also sets the location for the others. After you set your project's default GCP resource location, you cannot change it.
So once you have selected a location, there is no way you can change it. If you need another location, most likely you should create another project and use the other location.
Besides that, there is also mentioned that:
For Cloud Storage, your default GCP resource location only applies to your default bucket. If you're on the Blaze plan, you can create multiple buckets, each with its own location.