
How to filter rows in query properly?

I want to filter records with relation which has another relation with conditions and with count > 0


    $classClass = ClassClass::query()
        ->with('children', function (BelongsTo $query) {
                ->withCount(['serialNumbers' => function($query) {
        ->where('parent_class_id','=', $class->id)

as you see, i'm getting classClass record which has related children class record with serialNumbers and condition. I want to filter count of serialNumbers in this sql generating query class, how i can do that?

PS i want to add having {children}->serial_numbers_count > 0 statement


  • Found a solution:

    $classClass = ClassClass::query()
            ->whereHas('children.serialNumbers', function (Builder $query) {
            }, '>=',1)
            ->where('parent_class_id','=', $class->id)