
Lambda Layer of Npm Package for (ARM64 Arch)

I tried creating a AWS Lambda Layer for npm package Sharp using this Medium Blog but it is not working for AWS Lambda ARM64 Architecture.

I got this error from lambda function:

"Cannot find module '../build/Release/sharp-linux-arm64v8.node'"

I would like to use this AWS Graviton2 processor only.

Can anyone tell me what is missing in this blog post?


  • Finally fixed it by re-building the npm package.

    Step 1: Create a dir and navigate into it.

    mkdir layers
    cd layers

    Step 2: Create another directory nodejs

    mkdir nodejs
    cd nodejs

    Step 3: Install whatever npm pacakges you need

    npm install package-name

    Step 4: Re-build installed packages for both x64 and arm64 arch

    npm rebuild --platform=linux --arch=x64 package_name
    npm rebuild --platform=linux --arch=arm64 package_name

    Step 5: Move back to layers directory

    cd ..

    Step 6: Zip the nodejs directory

    zip -r nodejs

    All Set!! Now we can upload this as a Lambda Layer