
Why does PyCharm generate a more detailed XML test report than that generated by junit in the terminal?

I'm quite new to PyTest but I've been using PyCharm for running tests. I have loggers in my test functions that can be displayed for all Passed or Failed tests in reports manually generated by PyCharm. However, if I used the --junitxml="results.xml" pytest command in the terminal, it generates a pretty simplified data, with no stderr or stdout logs for Passed ones. What does PyCharm use to generate its XML file?

I have also tried changing to junit_family=xuit1 in pytest.ini but it does not work for me.

Is there any other way to generate a more detailed XML test report via terminal command, specifically that can display stderr and stdout logs in Passed tests? Much like how PyCharm generates its XML report.


  • I inspected the HTML report generated manually from PyCharm and noticed that it has a container of json data. That answers my question.

    I installed the pytest-json-report package and used the command "pytest --json-report" to generate a json report file after pytest runs. The json data contains useful information, and including stdout for every tests, failed or passed. Marking this as the answer.