
PreloadEnabled not available to be set as Website Defaults on IIS

I am looking to set PreloadEnabled to True for to be default for sites on an IIS Server, but the option does not show up in the Website Defaults dialog? is there something i am missing here? I can set it for individual sites that are already created but not the default configurations?

Website Defaults

I have tried setting it in the Configuration Editor dialog as well as the Website Defaults dialog shown above, but both do not contain that setting.

Edit: wanted to add more information such as the following screenshot of the Configuration Editor.

IIS Configuration Editor

I understand that the property PreloadEnabled is available in the (Collection)tab to be set for indivdual sites, but i wanted to ask if this option is also available to set as the default for newly created sites?


  • preloadEnabled is only introduced in IIS 8.0, so if you cannot see it even with Configuration Editor, you are likely using IIS 7.x which unfortunately is too old,


    BTW, even IIS 8.x reached end of life, so you can only use IIS 10 if you want to get support.

    If you are indeed with IIS 10, make sure you configure this setting under applicationDefaults, as that's the right place, not siteDefaults.