
configure my PermissionCrudController to manipulate permissions in Backpack for Laravel PermissionManager

Previously I created my PermissionCrudController (App\Http\Controllers\Admin) and in the setup() I could use the created permissions to allow access to the crud functions.

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;
use Backpack\PermissionManager\app\Http\Controllers\PermissionCrudController as PermissionControllerPrincipal;

 * Class PermissionCrudController
 * @package App\Http\Controllers\Admin
 * @property-read \Backpack\CRUD\app\Library\CrudPanel\CrudPanel $crud
class PermissionCrudController extends PermissionControllerPrincipal
     * Configure the CrudPanel object. Apply settings to all operations.
     * @return void
    public function setup()

        if (!backpack_user()->can('permiso_listar_admin')) {
            $this->crud->denyAccess('list'); //not working

        $this->crud->denyAccess('create'); //not working
        $this->crud->denyAccess('update'); //not working
        $this->crud->denyAccess('delete'); //not working


But currently it doesn't work anymore. What would be the correct or updated way to do it?

At the moment I only have to block access for everyone on "App\Config\Backpack\Permissionmanager.php" the array:

'allow_permission_create' => false,
'allow_permission_update' => false,
'allow_permission_delete' => false,
'allow_role_create' => false,
'allow_role_update' => false,
'allow_role_delete' => false,

But the requirement is that some users can create roles.


  • I am not sure if you have done this already, but you need to tell the service container to use your controller instead of the original one:

    namespace App\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
         * Register any application services.
        public function register(): void
         * Bootstrap any application services.
        public function boot(): void

    Let us know if this resolves the issue for you.
