I have an app written in Swift 5 which uses an external static Qt library. This library runs with an LGPL licence, so I must provide this App with an opportunity to make the library and the underlying Qt sources exchangeable/modifyable.
These are the contents of my current archived app:
Now to my question: How can I make an archive of this App, where all the libraries used and put under "Other Linker Flags" are separated of the executable app file? Or do I need to find a completely new way to integrate these ressources into my app?
So I found another way to solve my initial problem with LGPL:
I'll give the possibility to download the compiled object files (mentioned in my other question) and other needed resources (like assets and xib files) of my solution along with instructions on how to build the actual app out of this.
This way all users will have the opportunity to build the app with their own version of Qt, without making my project open source or providing my source code.