I'm trying to select all shapes within an existing Visio-file that are i. e. in layer "help" to delete them. Is there a way to achive that using python package "vsdx"?
You can use CreateSelection method with parameter visSelTypeByLayer = 3
Right now I haven't Python environment there, my simple VBA code
Sub SOF_77409035()
Dim Sh As Shape
Dim sl As Selection
ActiveWindow.DeselectAll ' deselect all
Set sl = ActivePage.CreateSelection(3, 0, "help") ' create selection in memory
For Each Sh In sl ' iterate all shapes in selection
' ActiveWindow.Select Sh, 2 ' select shape visSelect = 2
End Sub
This python-code can print a list of shapes belonging to a layer.
But it cannot select these shapes.
import win32com.client as w32
visio = w32.Dispatch("visio.Application")
visio.Visible = 1
win = visio.activewindow
doc = visio.activedocument
pag = doc.pages(1)
sl = pag.createselection(3, 0,"help")
for i in range (1, sl.count+1):
sh = sl.item(i)
PS vsdx python package have poor documentation, I suspect that's not possible.